Vincent Migrenne
Vincent Migrenne is a Parisian photographer who love to immortalize his daily life. Square, shaped, graphic and colorful, his photos reflect the world as he sees it : poetic, urban and unusual. "I look at what surrounds me with great freedom, I look for the graphic line, the play of colors. It has to tell a story, be fun, light, but still amazing. " Vincent Migrenne is also a copywriter in advertising, he always adds a little caption to his photos which again brings a touch of humour and offbeat. He is the photographer and writer of captions of the Guide des Grands Parisiens new edition 2024-25. Some of these photos are exhibited in 13 stations in Paris métro as part of RATP Invite. "Balade grand-parisienne" is also exhibited at Magasins Généraux in Pantin and in the corridors Orly airport. Vincent Migrenne's photos are often published in magazines like Télérama Sortir or We demain. He works for advertising too: "Greetings from la banlieue" a multi-awards campaing for Heetch. Last Interviews and portfolios published in Chasseur d'Images, Focus Magazine, RéponsesPhoto and revue Épic.